Tech tools

5 Simple Tech Tools Every Small Business Shouldn’t Do Without

The importance of technology in the success of a business cannot be overemphasized.  The right use of technology for your business helps manage data flow, track processes, enhance connectivity and improve customer support.

As a small business owner, it is very important to invest and incorporate the right technology tools into the daily operations of your organization.

Here are 5 technology tools I have identified to help you and your small business team function effectively and be more productive.

  1. Website: In today’s digital age, it is very essential for businesses to have a web presence. Even if your company does not conduct business online, customers and potential customers are expecting to see you online. If they don’t see you there, you could be losing out on the opportunity to increase your customer base and get the word out about your business. Check out affordable website packages for small businesses. Check out Tech tools
  2. Google Analytics:  Of what good is a website if you can’t analyze and constantly checking where the traffic is coming from?Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic, demographics (age, gender, etc) devices and basically the behavior of everyone visitng your website and all you need to know about them.  Get started at
  3. Cloud Storage: Look, this 2018 and no one, I repeat no one should ever complain about losing a document. Every business, whether Internet-based or not should have at least one cloud storage account.  Cloud storage is a cloud computing model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed from the internet, or “cloud.” Cloud storage platforms help you and your staff organize and share files without hassles.

I have been working from both my Dropbox and Google Drive accounts, for more than 5 years now without hassle. Get started now. Link in Despcription box below

  1. Accounting Software to Simplify Your Finances: Like cloud technology, accounting software is another important piece of technology for your business. Today’s accounting programs are user-friendly and can be operated by someone with little to no accounting knowledge. There are few like Wave, BMAC, Sage etc
  2. Slack: This is one of the best technology tools for businesses out there.  Slack is a place where your team comes together to collaborate, important information can be found by the right people, and your tools pipe in information when and where you need it.  Slack is very perfect for internal communications, especially when you have a staff or team members working remotely. It allows our team to create specific channels of conversations, video conferences and can create alerts for specific marketing objectives.  Get started with slacknow.


Are there other technology tools you will like to suggest? Please share in the comment box






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