Category: Technology

  • Top 10 Digital And Tech Freelancing Skills In Demand 2020

    Top 10 Digital And Tech Freelancing Skills In Demand 2020

    Top 10 In-Demand Skills For Freelancing In 2020 –  In my last video, on the top 3 freelancing platforms you should be on in 2020, I told you  I will be sharing 10 most in-demand skills of 2020 today but before I go ahead. If this is your first time on my channel, WELCOME ONBOARD and…

  • 2020: Top 3 Freelancing Platforms You Should Be On

    2020: Top 3 Freelancing Platforms You Should Be On

    Since the start of the Corona Virus Pandemic across the world, not only has there been an increase in job loss, there has also been an increase in webinars and training on how to take advantage of this period and prepare for the post-COVID-19 era. I hosted two online training classes as well. There are…

  • WEBINAR: How To Get Started On UpWork And Tips To Land Your First Job

    WEBINAR: How To Get Started On UpWork And Tips To Land Your First Job

    With the lockdown due to COVID-19 across the world, many jobs are threatened and there seem to be uncertainty about the security of jobs but guess what? Thousands of people are making a living on remote job platforms as freelancers.  I personally know a few. and Gbenga Adebiyi is one of them, he has been…

  • Creating Strong Passwords And Tools To Help You Remember Them

    Creating Strong Passwords And Tools To Help You Remember Them

    Happy new month everyone! Continuing my weekly blog series as announced in January. Last month, I shared highlights of my 2019 and the strides I made, you check out articles from week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4 if you missed them.  Starting this month, we will be digging deep with topics around…

  • Compelling WordPress Stories: My Presentation At WordCamp Nairobi And Mombasa

    Compelling WordPress Stories: My Presentation At WordCamp Nairobi And Mombasa

    In my quest to cover WordCamps across Africa and help tech enthusiast and WordPress professionals tell compelling stories of their work, I started curating experiences at WordCamps and WordPress events in  Nigeria in 2018. Also Read: Compelling stories and my other #TechWomenAfrica Summit takeaways I had the opportunity to take this a nudge further earlier…

  • Making Digital Rights and Internet Governance Conversations Appealing and Relatable With New media

    Making Digital Rights and Internet Governance Conversations Appealing and Relatable With New media

    I have always been of the opinion that POLICY IS BORING, I say this every time I have the opportunity to be at gatherings where policy discussions, especially tech/internet  policies are held and I also ask myself all of these times, what can I do to make these conversations more interesting to the people who the outcomes…

  • 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Google My Business Page

    5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Google My Business Page

    Google Business Page – With over five billion searches a day, Google is clearly the world’s number one research tool. You can almost guarantee that prospective clients, employees, business partners etc. will use it to connect with the people they need. If you and your business are invisible to those who seek what you have to…

  • 5 Simple Tech Tools Every Small Business Shouldn’t Do Without

    5 Simple Tech Tools Every Small Business Shouldn’t Do Without

    The importance of technology in the success of a business cannot be overemphasized.  The right use of technology for your business helps manage data flow, track processes, enhance connectivity and improve customer support. As a small business owner, it is very important to invest and incorporate the right technology tools into the daily operations of…

  • Register For The Free WordPress Training For Women

    Register For The Free WordPress Training For Women

    WordPress Training – About a month ago, I shared my experience at the Lagos WordPress meet up on my vlog and talked about how we need more women and girls in technology. I also promised to make training happen in conjunction with the organizers of the event. One of my goals for the year is to…

  • Are We Really Afraid Of Privacy? The BBM Private Chat Scenario

    Are We Really Afraid Of Privacy? The BBM Private Chat Scenario

    I woke up this morning thinking of how the new BBM private chat works, I decided to set up a private chat with my friend Femi, who is paranoid about privacy and security to see if the ‘Chat’ would really be private and we also wanted to test the features. Then, while chatting, Femi said…