How To Market Your Business On WhatsApp

EBOOK: How To Market Your Business On WhatsApp

In Nigeria, 7 out of 10 people with mobile phones have WhatsApp installed. WhatsApp has over 1.3 billion monthly users and 1 billion active daily users across the globe. Small businesses with little or no marketing budget who look to social media as their marketing haven now have to contend with larger businesses and this is where the value of WhatsApp comes in.

WhatsApp has become a go-to channel for smart businesses, but it is still widely untapped as a marketing solution compared to other platforms. The major reason for this is that most people do not appreciate its value or do not know how to go about using it. 

I am excited to announce the release of the ebook I co-authored titled ‘How To Market Your Business On WhatsApp’ published by our SME focused platform, SMEStoriesNG. This eBook is the first of many series we will be publishing to help entrepreneurs with small businesses through their entrepreneurial journey with marketing, finance, research and other useful resource tools.

In this ebook, you will learn: 

  1. How to build a comprehensive client list you didn’t even know you had access to.
  2. How to convert members of WhatsApp and Facebook groups into potential customers.
  3. How to create eye-catching content that sells
  4. Practical marketing examples and case studies and any more useful and insightful WhatsApp and marketing related topics.

To get a copy for yourself, for just N1500,  please visit or

I will also be sharing daily blog posts and video snippets on the book and also be giving you reasons to get your copies over the next 9 days. So join me every day at 12 noon







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