7 Events I Covered In 2019. Planning Your 2020 Events Yet? Invite Us!

In 2019, I resolved to officially add event coverage to one of the key activities of my YouTube journey, having covered events in unofficial capacities in 2018. So I looked out for events that aligned with my goals and brand in the past year. Below are 7 events I covered in 2019. I hope you enjoy them and also invite us to add spice and cover your events in our own unique way

 You don’t have to wait till y next blog post to read about my event coverage and storytelling experiences, CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL SO YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ABOUT MY NEXT TRIP


1. Women Techmakers 2019 event (MARCH 2019): every year, Google organizes the Women Techmakers’ summit to celebrate International Women’s Day across different cities to hear and share inspiring stories, learn hands-on technology skills and celebrate women in technology all over the world. I was excited when I got the mail informing me I made the list to attend the Lagos summit on Saturday 16 March 2019, I did not know what to expect but I knew it would be impactful, learning from experiences of women doing exploits in the tech space.

The summit started about 30 minutes behind schedule giving enough time for participants to network and have as much food as they can. The ambience was beautiful, trust Google to make every experience a great one.

2. WordCamp Lagos (MAY 2019): I have been covering WordPress meetups and events in Lagos since 2018. I believe telling our WordPress stories will inspire the next generation of developers, programmers, bloggers, web managers etc to take up skills they never thought they could venture in. A great example is that of 12-year-old Nigerian Programmer, Obaloluwa Odelana, who told his story here in this interview here at the WordCamp in Lagos, Nigeria and inspired kids his age to embrace technology. The impact of his interview contributed to the increased participation of children at the 2019 WordCamp in Lagos. So covering the 2-day Lagos WordCamp in 2019 was inevitable for me. Check out the videos below:


3. African School On Internet Governance (SEPTEMBER 2019):   Getting accepted into the 7th African School on Internet Governance held from the 4th to 9th September 2019 in N’Djamena Chad was a huge opportunity, and step in the right direction for answers and ideas to solve these issues. 

Getting accepted into the 7th African School on Internet Governance held from the 4th to 9th September 2019 in N’Djamena Chad was a huge opportunity, and step in the right direction for answers and ideas to solve these issues. 

4. Forum On Internet Freedom In Africa (SEPTEMBER 2019): CIPESA has been doing a great job working and advocating for internet freedoms in East Africa. Attending the 2019 Freedom On Internet Freedom Africa in Addis Ababa was a great opportunity to capture exciting moments from the event and also meet awesome people doing great work in the ICT Policy and Internet Freedom space.

5. WordCamp Nairobi (DECEMBER 2019): In my quest to cover WordCamps across Africa and help tech enthusiast and WordPress professionals tell compelling stories of their work, I started curating experiences at WordCamps and WordPress events in Nigeria in 2018,  I really looked forward to curating my experience at the WordCamp Nairobi 2019 

6. WordCamp Mombasa (DECEMBER 2019): I didn’t have enough time to capture exciting moments at the WordCamp in Mombasa because I arrived in the city the morning of day 2 but had the opportunity to capture moments from speaking session.

7. Daystar Christmas Carol (DECEMBER 2019): As part of my VLOGMAS series in December, I decided to curate my experience at the annual Daystar Christian Centre Christmas carol. I just took snapshots of my favourite activities from the carol. It was all fun. I hope you enjoy watching. 






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