Meet Olamide, A Fellow Of The 7th Africa School Of Internet Governance

I am happy to announce that I have been selected as a fellow of the 7th Africa Internet School Of Governance (AfriSIG) holding in Chad from the Wednesday 4th- Monday 9th 2019 in N’Djamena In Chad.

I will be joining 43 other fellows from across the continent to learn about how the internet works, how it is governed and how government policies affect internet citizens. You can check out the fellows’ list here

Having worked on various Digital Rights, Internet Governance, ICT Policy, Digital Inclusion and public policy projects and events over the 4 years I spent at Paradigm Initiative, I am of the belief that conversations around these areas should be communicated in easily understandable ways.

Yes, Policy is boring and not every one of us can be policymakers! How do we then raise active internet/ digital citizens to understand how different internet-related policies affect them? How do we let them know the same rights they have offline is applicable online? How do we explain that the freedom they enjoy online should stop when someone else’s right is violated?

These and many more questions may be thinking of I why I applied to 7th AfriSIG and getting selected out of a large pool of applications is a huge privilege.  I am grateful to Tunde Okunoye, Rosemary Ajayi and Adeboye Adegoke for the feedback and input they had in making my second AfriSIG application worth the while. Yeah, my first application was in 2014.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my mentors, Titi Akinsanmi and ‘Gbenga Sesan. Thank you for all that you do and most especially for believing in me.

Make sure you stay glued to my YouTube channel as I will be sharing daily updates and chatting with fellows here






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