Tokunbo Amosu social media reniques occasions

How I Leverage Social Media To Build Reniques Occasions – Tokunbo Amosu

Tokunbo Amosu is the CEO of Reniques Occasions (@reniquesoccasions) – an online bridal rental and ready to wear fashion store. She is also the convener of Fashion Helpline She resigned her job as a Manager in a top Stock Broking firm to start the company. We first met at the 2017 edition of Social Media Week Lagos.

We had this interview series in August 2018 decided to share now because it falls into the #SMEStories series category I am working on. The series will basically have me interview small business owners and young entrepreneurs on their journey, challenges, failures, successes, and share how they make it work.

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On this episode,  Tokunbo talked about how she uses social media to influence sales at Reniques Occasions and how the journey has been so far. Below are a few interesting highlights from our chat:

  • Tokunbo is the CEO of Reniques Occasions and fashion helpline and has been in the industry for over 10 years
  • She started Reniques Occasions  because she loved the idea of having an occasion wear store
  • One year into starting, she closed the business and went on to 9-5
  • She came back from the work experience with more skills, zeal and readiness to move Reniques Occasions forward
  • Tokunbo says social media has impacted perception for the business. Tokunbo uses Instagram and Facebook
  • Tokunbo is hopelessly positive and that has helped with the perception of moving the company forward
  • While Tokunbo doesn’t want to be a pest, she wants her brand to be in people’s faces
  • .Every little thing and detail you do add authenticity to the brand
  • The market is saturated and as a successful entrepreneur, you have to see beyond the saturation and bring something different to the game.

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Also Read: 5 Simple Tech Tools Every Small Business Shouldn’t Do Without






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