My Plans And Expectations For 2019 – Olamide Egbayelo

I guess it’s not too late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!  2018 was a  big social experiment for me, I tried to have as much fun while working and explored new ideas. I rebranded from Lammyng to OlamideYelo (You Can Call Me OlamideYelo (Yellow))

I grew my YouTube channel from about 500 overall views to 38,000 without advertisement, gave entrepreneurship a try and started running Hexal Place as a full-time business, had a few travel opportunities and maximized them to the fullest. I had fun curating my participation at the Africa Summit for Women And Girls in Ghana, The 13th Africa Movie Academy Awards in Kigali and the Republica Conference in Ghana, I had the privilege to work with some of the best brands on some of the biggest campaigns of the year too (BAFEST, 33 City Of Friends, World AIDS Day etc). It wasn’t all bed of roses but it was a good year.

2019 is going to be even better, starting with finalizing the rebranding process of my personal brand OLAMIDEYELO, changing my social media content strategy to become more valuable. I hope to write 3  e-books focusing on digital communications and storytelling.

I am also excited to announce that the content direction for my YouTube channel is changing. In 2019, I want to focus on STORYTELLING, basically telling stories of women making an impact, SMEs and their founders and my awesome travel experiences. So if know women and small business founders you think I should talk to, please drop me a message here

In 2019, I look forward to having speaking engagements, travel opportunities within and outside the country, consulting for and advising nonprofits on creating working communication strategies and more importantly tell their impact stories in compelling ways.

For Hexal Place, we will be focusing on offering the best of values in content creation (copy, visuals), social media (strategy, management and advertising) and mobile marketing (SMS, robocalls). Come and do business with us here

I am also open to collaboration and legitimate money making ideas. Got some? Hit me up here






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