I started With What I had, You Should Too

There’s this thing about procrastination that makes you see reasons for postponing set out tasks/goals with so many excuses. I am not a motivational speaker but here I am here to inspire you to start with what you have. JUST START no matter how small.

I have been wanting to start a YouTube channel focused on Social media for SMEs for about 2 years now. I was afraid and very uninspired to start because I thought I didn’t have the necessary skills and gadgets to start. I just kept brooding about how I needed to get a ‘badass’ camera, tripod stand, microphone, how I needed to learn graphic design to create beautiful art covers, how I needed to learn to edit videos professionally, how I am very camera shy and how I stutter when I am in front of the camera and when I talk to people. I also wanted a to have a mini studio etc.

I was so engrossed with excuses so much that I didn’t think of the ‘little things’ I had that I could start with

So about 3 months ago, my phone packed up and so I got a new phone with a better camera quality and decided to also get a mobile tripod stand too just in case I might just be ready to start out. I recorded a few video tutorials in September and just left them on my laptop because I thought they weren’t good enough, the audio output was bad and I also couldn’t edit them to save my life.

Then came October, I just learnt a new way to create a Google My Business page and get it verified in minutes, I shared my excitement on my WhatsApp Story and got so many questions from my contacts who wanted to know how to set up a Google My Business page for their businesses and also get it verified.

That was the trigger, If I were to respond to everyone individually, I wouldn’t do anything else the whole day or 2, so I told them to hold on for about a week so I could put a video together to help them through the process.

I am not there yet but I have made tremendous progress in just one month. I encourage you to start with whatever you have today, you may never get all that you need to commence that project, record that song, start that business but YOU CAN START all the same and continue to improve on it.

I hope this has been helpful to you. Now please go ahead to my YouTube channel, click the subscribe button and watch some of the videos I made. Your feedback and support will go a long way.







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