Rejoice with ME – Today is my Birthday

Yes its been another 365 days of Glory!. Can’t be excited enough. God has indeed been faithful. 2014 is truly the Year of ME.

I have gone from Glory to Glory. All thanks to everyone who made this year a memorable one for me. 2014 wouldn’t have been this fantastic with my mum, sister and colleagues at PIN and every of my ‘familiar’ family Can’t thank you all enough!!!

Visiting beautiful cities within and outside Nigeria has made this year even more awesome.


Why am I very excited about the next year of my Life?

I have discovered the best path to a great future and I’m working in it. The high point of this path is finding myself a Mentor under whose guidance I will grow to become the woman I am growing to be. YES!! This is the best Birthday GIFT I have gotten.

I thank everyone who I have been of influence to directly and indirectly. I am also saying a BIG thank you to every one who have been of huge influence to me directly and indirectly.

Watch Out World…. I’M COMING!!!






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