June the 3rd – One Year at PIN (@Pinigeria)

Wow!! It’s one year already!! Oh how time flies.  I’m not one who keeps so much details like dates and all but 3rd June, 2013 marked the beginning of a new phase of my life and I can’t get excited enough. Why is this day a special day for me? This was the day I resumed work at Paradigm Initiative Nigeria,a day I’d never forget so fast. A day that marked the beginning of new things in my life. I’ve been working with the best team on earth. Working at PIN has not only taught me to be more patient, I have learnt how to be more compassionate about others especially students of Ajegunle.org whose stories will make you give your all selflessly. #tent day3-202 I love this team so much that I get excited about going to work everyday, I’ve also got the best bosses in the world,  They listen!! You’all think ‘Gbenga Sesan is the boss at PIN? No, Here’s our boss. These bosses of mine chastise with one hand and draw you even much more closer with the other hand 🙂 My one year at PIN has influenced so me in so many ways, I’d just share a few here:

  •  I’m more matured : Hmmm!!  I know I have grown in some many ways, my way of thinking and interaction has improved a great deal, I think more before talking or posting anything online and offline.
  •  Improved Dress Sense: Yeah!! I suck sometimes with my dress sense, the irony of this is that my sister is a fashionista and I’m just direct opposite of that, well working with PIN in the last one year has changed that aspect of me because one has to look good all the time na because small level is changing for better. Even some of my friends testified to this miracle…lol 😛
  •  I’m Bolder: As bold as I thought I was, I couldn’t make a complete speech/ presentation in front of a crowd without stammering for almost half of it, working at PIN totally changed that, I have received BOLDNESS, now I can talk confidently for hours and still maintain my calm *dusts collar* . 🙂
  •   Learnt to be Happy Always: I’ve always been a happy person  but working with PIN has made me a more happier person, There’s always something to be excited about with colleagues like Tosin, Gbenga, Yinka, Femi and Tinuke, there’s never a dull moment .
PIN Staff Hangout June 2013
Work is Fun
  • Challenge myself and work with ease under pressure:  I remember telling my bosses during my interview then that I loved challenges and also love breaking new grounds…lol, Yeah, I thought they’d never remember I said that *chuckles* I can categorically say that 1 year at PIN has been just that, challenges became ‘bread’ and work became more and more fun. even under pressure
  •  AJ CITY of Life: I think this has to be my favourite part of working with PIN, AJEGUNLE, this is the city of hope, this city has been set upon the hill and cannot be hidden because Paradigm Initiative Nigeria is touching more and more lives in it.  Ajegunle is a very beautiful place to work, my daily #DanfoDairies experiences, the very affordable food, a plate of Eba at ‘BACKYARD’ can last you for 2days. Mhen! Food in Ajegunle is cheap and very affordable.  You’all should come visiting one of these days. *winks*

You see, I could go on and on and on about this first exciting and workful year, but I actually have to stop somewhere here. you can actually follow me on twitter for some more gist on Ajegunle. Truth is I look forward to another excting, tasking, challenging and beautiful year 2. THANK YOU’ALL FOR READING………. Don’t forget to drop your comments.. Gracias 🙂





8 responses to “June the 3rd – One Year at PIN (@Pinigeria)”

  1. gbengasesan Avatar

    Congratulations on your first year, Olamide. When Tope and I agreed you were the team member we were looking for, I sort of knew we earned ourselves a gem – and you’ve proved to be that. Thanks for doing what you do, and you know what the reward for hardwork is, right? 😀

    To the next ___ year(s)!

    1. lammyng Avatar

      Thank you very much sir for the opportunity to work with PIN and also to be part of the team. Thanks you for also believing in me. Yes I know the reward for hardwork is MORE WORK…. and YES I am ready!! 🙂

  2. Ogunyemi Bukola Avatar

    Congratulations Lammy!!! I didnt know you beyond twitter pre-PINigeria but in the period I have known you, the growth and maturity is apparent. You are one hardworking and focused lady, and you deserve all the success.

    1. lammyng Avatar

      Thanks for reading and dropping a comment Bukola, you are also an inspiration. Keep being great too. 🙂

  3. Dimgba Kalu Avatar

    Hardly will I believe you are just one year in PIN. Your attitude to work and your assignments is one I have always admired from a distance. More strength. Your story challenges me. Gracias

    1. lammyng Avatar

      Thanks for your kind words Kalu, You’re a great friend.

  4. laide Avatar

    I have eyes for spotting gems when I see one. Because,besides that I don’t know why I would have clicked the “follow” button on Twitter. I followed you carefully to find my way around Twitter. And when I was about packing my bag,I got a “retweet” from you. And I stayed on. Keep adding values,isn’t that all that matters?

    1. lammyng Avatar

      Thanks for the kind comment Laide, I’m happy I was able to help you stay on twitter, i sincerely hope you’re enjoying your stay. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help navigating your way on the platform. Thanks alot once again

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