My November

Sigh… October went as I wanted it to go. It was my birthday on the 16th of October and it was all fun. It was time to plan for the next 365 days of my life and it was worth the whole while.


Here comes November my annual year end. Each year for me ends in November & the next year starts in December.

When I looked back at the last 365days of my life, I just can’t help but marvel at how far I have gone in just 365 days…Woot!!!!!! Its been fun all the way and its so certain the next 365 days (Which started on October 17th) of my life can only get better.

Check Out Pictures from my birthday Here

Here’s the song I’ve been singing since the 16th of October. I can only think of God’s greatness.

November is the birth month of my mum and sis…lots of cake and food…….. leeego!!!






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