It’s My Birthday Today


So its my birthday today and I just think its a time to reflect

on the beautiful, challenging and trying times of my life.

God has been very faithful indeed to me, how else can I say thank YOU to Him

Just a few years ago, It felt as if  hell was let loose and the world around me was full of woes

Now I look back and just worship God for His that has  mercies kept me and brought me thus far

Now I believe the scripture that says “The path of the Just is like a shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day”

90% of the goals and target I set for myself at my birthday last year has been achieved

I know I can only get better, I have learnt more than I ever thought in the last 365 days of life.

All I want to do is just give thanks to God this day… Kindly join me by dropping your comments.

My name is OLAMIDE and I am …………WorldFamous 






2 responses to “It’s My Birthday Today”

  1. spacyzuma Avatar

    Happy birthday anniversary, Olamide! *hugs*

  2. ultradrift Avatar

    Wow! Look at that face.

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