Category: Travels

  • 6 Nigerian Tourist Centres I Visited In 2019

    6 Nigerian Tourist Centres I Visited In 2019

    I didn’t only travel across African cities in 2019, I made out time to visit some of Nigeria’s famous tourist centres.  Below are 6 Nigerian tourist centres I visited, I have also embedded the videos of my experiences at each centre 1. Erin – Ijesha  Waterfalls: A few months ago, I went on a group…

  • 5 African Cities I visited In 2019 And Why You Should Visit Them Too

    5 African Cities I visited In 2019 And Why You Should Visit Them Too

    Happy New Year people! I hope you had a funfilled December, mine was as ‘detty’ as it could get. I pray 2020 will be a lit year for every one of us. Okay, so, 2019 was a good travel year for me, I visited 4 African cities for work, speaking engagement and school. I also…

  • Exploring Nyali Beach, Mombasa Kenya

    Exploring Nyali Beach, Mombasa Kenya

    I love life so much and try to create as much fun as possible while I work. Visiting the Nyali beach in Mombasa was one of the fun activities I took out time to do after my speaking engagement at the 2019 WordCamp Mombasa. Read: Compelling WordPress Stories: My Presentation At WordCamp Nairobi And Mombasa…

  • A Fun Day In Nairobi: Food. Live Music. Hangouts

    A Fun Day In Nairobi: Food. Live Music. Hangouts

    On Monday 7th January 2019, I randomly tweeted the African cities I would like to visit in 2019 and incidentally, Nairobi was part of them, I honestly didn’t know or think I’d travel to any of the cities but as they say on Twitter, I spoke them into existence. Well, I visited 2 cities on…

  • A Video Guide: A Day At The Erin Ijesha Waterfalls In Osun State

    A Video Guide: A Day At The Erin Ijesha Waterfalls In Osun State

    A few months ago, I went on a group tour to the Erin Ijesha Waterfall in Osun state with Tourmates by AdaTheExplorer a few months ago and had the opportunity to explore the centre. What about the Erin Ijesha waterfall? you may ask, I am happy to share my experience with you and share some…

  • A Video Guide: All You Need To Know About Olumo Rock

    A Video Guide: All You Need To Know About Olumo Rock

    OLUMO ROCK, ABEOKUTA: I have a deep connection with the not so ancient city of Egba, Abeokuta, not just because I lived there for a year as a Youth Corps Member in 2012, but because my maternal grandmother hails from there. I enjoy the peace, serenity and joy the city brings. If you live/lived in…

  • All You Need To Know About The Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library

    All You Need To Know About The Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library

    I went on a tour of the tourist centres in Abeokuta sometimes in March with my cousins and our first site was the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL). I personally think access to the library is ridiculously overpriced, I opted for sight-seeing the whole complex which cost about N1000 and made the best out of…