Marketing With WhatsApp

4 Unique Ways To Market Your Business On WhatsApp

WhatsApp has become one of the go-to-market platforms for small businesses. It is dynamic and user-friendly enough for you to fully maximize all its features in your marketing campaigns.

In this article, you will learn how to get started with marking your business on WhatsApp with: 

  1.  Status Updates
  2.  Broadcasts,
  3.  Groups, and
  4. Direct Messaging.

Ensure you give special attention to each so you do not make the mistake of running the same communication across all of them.

1. Marketing With WhatsApp Status Updates

The status update is one of the latest exciting features released by WhatsApp. The feature was created to help users to tell mini-stories with short pictures and videos. It is a very interesting tool when used properly. 

WhatsApp marketing Status

This feature operates as a high point exhibition, you are able to display special events, share information and other different types of content in interesting bits and pieces in pictures and videos for up to 24- hours before they are automatically deleted.

The temporary format of status updates means you have very little time to grab the attention of your prospects. Most people swipe through updates quickly, they only stop to look at relatable or important updates.

 2. Marketing With WhatsApp Broadcasts

The WhatsApp Broadcast feature can also be a very effective marketing tool when used methodically. This feature essentially allows you to send messages to a number of contacts at the same time. Your contacts get the message individually so it is very possible to maintain a personal touch. keep in mind that your messages need to be carefully crafted when sending a broadcast. This gives your prospects and clients time to carefully work with and appreciate the content.

Whatsapp broadcast marketing

Prospects who receive your broadcast messages should be able to relate to them immediately so that it leaves a lasting impression on them. This is why you need to research and segment your content well before sending them out to your list. 

3. Marketing With WhatsApp Groups

Marketing with WhatsApp requires a more intense client list creation process because it encourages content participation from every client and prospect involved as well as you.

This lack of total control means you cannot always control the narrative. This is why you need to pay special attention to the clients that you add to groups. Your effort should focus on marketing with other WhatsApp features. 

WhatsApp marketing group refer

4. Marketing With Direct Messaging

Marketing with Direct messaging is more about enhancing the image of your business with your clients. Direct messages are the primary channel for your clients to get in contact with you. This is an excellent way to communicate with your clients on a personal level and provide top-notch customer support. Special attention should be given to this aspect because your clients might get disgruntled if their concerns or complaints are not replied to on time.  Again, a dedicated phone and number would be ideal here so that your customers feel appreciated, thereby enhancing repeat business. 

WhatsApp marketing -direct messaging

This article is co-written by Bola Johnson