whatsApp Business

How To Get Started With WhatsApp Business App

As of the time of writing this sentence, there are

Introduction To WhatsApp Business.

 about 3.03 billion people on some type of social media platform, which is almost half of the world’s population. According to IEEE GlobalSpec Media Solutions, there was a 58% increase in social media marketing budget spend just from 2017 to 2018. 

Small businesses with little or no marketing budget who look to social media as their marketing haven now have to contend with larger businesses and this is where the value of WhatsApp comes in.

WhatsApp has become a go-to channel for smart businesses, but it is still widely untapped as a marketing solution compared to other platforms. The major reason for this is that most people do not appreciate its value or do not know how to go about using it. 

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In this blog series on how to market your business on WhatsApp, you will learn how to : 

  1. build a comprehensive client list you didn’t even know you had access to.
  2. convert members of  WhatsApp and Facebook groups into potential customers.
  3. create eye-catching content for your clients and prospects, plan it properly and get them to look forward to the next time you would be reaching out to them.
  4. Practical marketing examples and case studies

Why WhatsApp Business?

In Nigeria, 7 out of 10 people with mobile phones have WhatsApp installed. WhatsApp has over 1.3 billion monthly users and 1 billion active daily users across the globe. This suggests that even as you are reading this, you very likely have WhatsApp installed on your phone and interestingly, so do your current and prospective customers and clients.

Using this ebook, you can start using WhatsApp for marketing and brand communications in a short period. You will learn how to build and maintain relationships with prospective clients and build a community around your business. Even with the 55 billion messages sent over WhatsApp daily, you will learn how to make your communications stand out and leverage it into significant business growth.

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Who Can Use WhatsApp Business?

The WhatsApp Business App was originally designed for small business owners. Communications through other social media channels always seem to be elaborate and small businesses have to compete with major corporations for ad spaces and customer visibility. WhatsApp for business makes it easy for any business owner or freelancer, operating on even the smallest level, to make marketing efforts from within their circle and beyond. The app is modelled after the WhatsApp app you are already used to, so you do not have to worry about any technicalities.

Some of the features WhatsApp Business offers include:

  1. Business profile to list important information, such as a company’s address, email, and website.
  2. Statistics to see how many messages were successfully sent, delivered, and read.
  3. Messaging tools to quickly respond to customers.
  4. You can download it from the Google Play Store and the App Store. https://www.whatsapp.com/business/


WhatsApp Business Features.

To effectively use WhatsApp as a marketing tool you will need a dedicated phone that will house your free account and a business number to be used solely for business communications. Here are some of the features of the WhatsApp Business App

Some of the features WhatsApp Business  currently offers include:

  1. Business profile to list important information, such as a company’s address, email and website.
  2. Statistics to see how many messages were successfully sent, delivered, and read.
  3. Messaging tools to quickly respond to customers.

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