Stop Fake News On Social Media

5 Ways To Stop The Spread Of Fake News On Social Media

Hi, My name is Olamide and I am here to talk to you about how WE  can help stop the spread of FAKE NEWS springing up on and around the  #EndSARS movement. Over the last few days, there has been an increase in misinformation across social media and WhatsApp, and the creation parody Twitter accounts impersonating key actors speaking up against police brutality in Nigeria.

 It is our collective responsibility to ensure that we stay on cause and focus on our goal to #EndSARS by sharing only correct and verifiable information so people are not misled. But first, what is FAKE NEWS?  Fake news  is untrue information presented as news and it often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity or making money through advertising revenue

So you may be wondering, How I Help Stop The Spread Of Fake News?   You can help by making a commitment to:

  1. Confirm a TWEET is true and verifiable  before sharing
  2. Ensure the Twitter account you are about to RT or reply is not a parody or an impersonator.
  3. Report any account trying to incite tribal and religious violence, spreading lies, hate speech, content and other unverifiable information.
  4. That you also commit to Verify voice notes, videos and other content before broadcasting them on WhatsApp. 
  5. You commit to deleting tweets, pictures, videos, voice notes and other content once you verify them to be fake.  Do not be an amplifier of  FEAR.

Break the chain of fake news. Don’t help fuel ethnic and religious hate. Stay Safe, WE ARE ALL WE’VE GOT. 


Thank you